Saturday, March 15, 2008

First posting from my new X61!!!

Yupee!!! Got my new lappie!
I love my new X61 - Small and light! Pro looking hee... had intended on buying a laptop for so so long...
Now I'll have little excuses not to come up with the wedding montage.
Perhaps paying $250 for someone else to do the montage will take less effort, at a lower cost too. :S Now my montage costs 2K instead. Bitter sweet irony isn't it... hee luckily got hubby's support.

Started my first tuition with 2 sweet gals. A bit rusty with Mathematics. But I kind of enjoy doing it. Train up my brain a little. :) else think i'll get senile real soon hahaha been pretty forgetful. Hopefully I'm not misguiding the young ones.

Oh my future father-in-law got us a pair of miniature 过大礼 baskets from China. So cute. Forgot to take picture of it. Shall add to the blog later. Lee-san is going to get miniature oranges, the miniature pork leg cans, the miniature dragon-phoenix candles and miniature ang pow to put into the baskets. haha but the money in the ang pow cannot be small..!

Saw Huishi & KK's new house. Pretty well done! Hope our house will TOP really soon.

===== Sneak Preview to the Wedding Shoots =====

Hubby & Sis

Hubby & I (In evening gown)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First mobile post!

Hello mobile world!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hello World: The Sequel

Hallo! This is one part of the couple, Mr DLSL saying hello world!


Was "strongly encouraged" by my other half to start making entries to our blog. Which by the way has a extremely corny title.

Will think of something to change it to... eventually.

So.... what else can I say.... Hmm....

Just wondering how to post pictures on the blog...

Hmm... let me click around...

Ahh! Stupid me... so simple... went one big round.... Post a pic of my pretty wife to be....

Hmm... maybe blogging isnt as hard as it seems.... If only I could find a way to get it to work on my beloved mobile computer...

Well thats another story for another day.... Adios, world!....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In the mood for love...

As the IT nerds usually start a basic program with "Hello World"... my very first blog entry shall also be the same...
As most would probably have known by now... my spinsterhood is starting a three-month counting down! (T.T) so touched... finally I'm wanted by somebody.... and the silly goose?

<<<< かわいい!!!! (*v*)

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Now now... everyone has been asking the below questions:

  1. how's your wedding preparation?

  2. have you taken your wedding shoots?

  3. am I invited?

  4. what color themes are you going to use?

  5. will you get the beetle of your dream?

  6. when is the house ready?

  7. etc

The answers my friends... are as below:

  1. Nothing to prepare at the moment... Food tasting, invitation, guo da li (Give Big Gift???), fitting etc all come 2 months before the actual day. (BTW it's 27th and 28th June my dear... if you haven't mark the date)

  2. Photo shoots done by the terrific Jon Keng. Something different from normal bridal studio shoots. Nope.. the album's not out yet... so let's cross our fingers ;)

  3. hee limited seatings... so if you are invited, please feel honoured.

  4. Colors of the world unite! Definitely not Black and White. I'll be murdered. (Anyway if I didn't remember wrongly, by Derrick's definition, Black and White are not colors....) Nothing's confirmed keke.
  5. Yuhooo....!!! won't be getting a beetle anymore! (perhaps Derrick can still catch a bettle, spray it with a (W) volkswagen logo and give it to me kekeke)... The frickle-minded me is looking at TD2000

  6. Haven't T.O.P yet... hopefully we get it this month... :S

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Yawn yawn... tmr's a boring day... I'll be lonely... Ms Little Lonely.. in office alone... Yawn....