Woo... It's almost a year since the last posting!,,
兔宰子is almost due... Bulletin is in terrible 2 stage... Gosh... Wonder how we are going to cope...
Our dear little princess is learning fast now. Surprising us with words and sentences now and then. Just like phrases such as "daddy wake up! Poo poo! Check!" or "mummy finish"... "no no no..." she's also having a mind of her own now, choosing what she wants to wear every night!,, driving us crazy. Tonight she wore the dress that bee bought for me to sleep! The dress is so super long for her and she likes it covering her legs. Lol she cried to sleep because I'm trying to coax her into changing something shorter and she refused to bulge. Seems to be a daily routine to cry to sleep with the ever famous "mummy sayang". Lol and sayang must be on the head!
Oh did I mentioned she finally mastered how to jump,,,? Haha guess the evening at mum's place did the job. She jumped down umpteen times from the bed to the mattress in jiaju's room. That kinda boosted her confidence. Now she's jumping on the bed in the evening.
So worried about gal losing her teeth! Her front teeth are also starting to decay.. Need to make appointment for her quarterly dental visit... We have been working hard on brushing her teeth every night and applying moose. Hope that will slow down the decays. It's funny to see how daddy and daughter go about "eeeee" and "ahhhh" so as to reach the top row of teeth and the inner ones.
Well... Bulletin is bonding slowly with 弟弟.. At least she will kiss my tummy, lol occasionally giving 弟弟 some beatings in the buttock. 弟弟sometimes retaliate by kicking her when I'm carrying her. Haha the battle begins even before the little one is born omg... I've already decided that the present from 弟弟to bulletin will be the cookie monster toy! Lol think she will like the song singing, cookie munching monster.
There's so much things that I haven't done! The "have-not"s includes sending out order form for confinement food, calling the massage lady, preparing the wardrobe for baby's clothings (bulletin has too much clothings!!!), setting up the cradle earlier so that bulletin will outgrow the novelty before 弟弟arrives...hmm others... I can't remember... Oh! Checking on the sterilizer! Hmm but if I'm going to breastfeed, doubt we will need bottles. Probably too lazy to pump out lol
Geez... Guess it's time for my maternity sleep! Hopefully there will be more regular posting. Papa Lee! Time for your contributions!
Wifey (papa lee n bulletin snoring away...)