Saturday, March 15, 2008

First posting from my new X61!!!

Yupee!!! Got my new lappie!
I love my new X61 - Small and light! Pro looking hee... had intended on buying a laptop for so so long...
Now I'll have little excuses not to come up with the wedding montage.
Perhaps paying $250 for someone else to do the montage will take less effort, at a lower cost too. :S Now my montage costs 2K instead. Bitter sweet irony isn't it... hee luckily got hubby's support.

Started my first tuition with 2 sweet gals. A bit rusty with Mathematics. But I kind of enjoy doing it. Train up my brain a little. :) else think i'll get senile real soon hahaha been pretty forgetful. Hopefully I'm not misguiding the young ones.

Oh my future father-in-law got us a pair of miniature 过大礼 baskets from China. So cute. Forgot to take picture of it. Shall add to the blog later. Lee-san is going to get miniature oranges, the miniature pork leg cans, the miniature dragon-phoenix candles and miniature ang pow to put into the baskets. haha but the money in the ang pow cannot be small..!

Saw Huishi & KK's new house. Pretty well done! Hope our house will TOP really soon.

===== Sneak Preview to the Wedding Shoots =====

Hubby & Sis

Hubby & I (In evening gown)

1 comment:

Eliza said...

Hi my sweetie... hope Derrick won't mind... I call you "My sweetie" haha...

wanna tell you that.. you look Super Charming in the evening gown !! I'm expecting more amazing pictures to come ^^

Knowing that you have lots to prepare... wedding... New Home... New life.. but do remember to be relax and enjoy !

Let us have the most beautiful HF in Jun !! ( Hey... Derrick.. is it your great assignment ... We will come and give you an evaluation
...haha !!)

With Love,